Explosion-proof control station SUV-BP, SUV-P1M2
Explosion-proof control station SUV-BP, SUV-P1M2
LLC “Niva-Motor”
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The station is designed to control the start and stop, as well as protection against short circuit currents and overload of three-phase asynchronous electric motors with a squirrel-cage rotor, powered by an alternating current network with an isolated neutral, in mines and mines that are dangerous for gas (methane) and dust. It is used as a part of loader bunkers and self-propelled loader bunkers.

Parameter name SUV-BP SUV-P1M2
Rated voltage of a three-phase network
with isolated transformer neutral, V
1140/660 1140
Power supply frequency, Hz 50
Rated power of electric motors connected to the station, kW 75 30/15
Rated motor current, A 43,8/75,8
Station application category according to GOST 12434-93 АЗС
Class according to the method of protecting a person from electric shock according to GOST I
Overall dimensions, mm, no more 780х570х630
Weight, kg, no more 200
Level and type of explosion protection IP54
Level and type of explosion protection РВ Ex d [ib] I Mb


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